Code of Conduct


Code of Conduct

In promoting the ethics, safety, and spirit of youth basketball, Upper Township Basketball Association has adopted this Code of Conduct. This Code of Conduct is binding upon all its participants: Board Members, Coaches, Players, Parents, Volunteers and Spectators. Violations of this Code of Conduct will result in disciplinary action against any offender.

A. Unsportsmanlike Conduct

Unsportsmanlike conduct shall include the following: fighting, verbal abuse, bullying of a team member or dissent toward an official or opponent, racial or ethnic slurs, inappropriate comments or actions that may be construed as sexual harassment, profanity, obscene gestures, flagrant and violent fouls, taunting, “trash talk”, baiting, cheating, throwing or abusing equipment, physical intimidation or abuse of an official or opponent, and unauthorized leaving of a team bench area.

B. Board Members & Coaches

  1. Will show the proper respect to all and be held to the highest standards of moral conduct and character both on and off the field.
  2. Will not at any time push, shove, punch, kick, fight or be guilty of physical contact as an Aggressor upon any official, player, coach or spectator.
  3. Will not verbally abuse or threaten any official, coach, player or others.
  4. Will not harass or bait any official, player, coach, spectator or other(s).
  5. Will not use tobacco, alcohol or illegal narcotics in front of players during practices, games or team sponsored events or be present during practices, games, team-sponsored events under the influence of alcohol or illegal narcotics.
  6. Will show the same respect that is due to all participants, including: other coaches, players, spectators and league officials.
  7. Will not act in any way that is detrimental to themselves, their team or the Upper Township Basketball Association or the South Shore Basketball League.
  8. Will inform the Board of Directors of any rule violation by other Board Members, coaches, players, managers, spectators or other(s). Board Member(s) will document any observed violation along with date and time of the incident.
  9. In all dealings with team personnel – including coaches, other coaches, players, spectators, Board Members and Coaches will show the same respect that is due all participants of this organization.
  10. Any and all emails that are addressed to coaches, players, players families, or anyone involved in the Upper Township Basketball Association and that pertains to any matter associated with their participation in the Upper Township Basketball Association shall and will be carbon copied to
  11. The use of social media platforms shall be utilized only for the promotion of ethics, safety and the spirit of our basketball program and the Upper Township Basketball Association. The use of all social media platforms to post any of the following; unauthorized personal information (names, address, phone number, email etc.) of others, material that contains vulgar, obscene or indecent language or images, material which defames, abuses or threatens others, statements that are factually inaccurate, false, bigoted, hateful or racially offensive, no flaming; there is a difference between voicing a legitimate concern or grievance and simply badmouthing or some other form of written abuse of someone or group, will be construed as a blatant violation of this code of conduct.

C. Players

  1. Will show the proper respect to all and be held to the highest standards of moral conduct and character both on and off the court.
  2. Will stay in the team-designated area(s), unless excused to leave, by a coach, parent or guardian.
  3. Will not at any time push, shove, punch, kick, fight, bully or be guilty of physical contact as an aggressor upon any official, board member, coach, player, spectator, or other(s).
  4. Will not verbally abuse or threaten any official, board member, coach, player, spectator, or other(s).
  5. Will not harass, bait or be guilty of objectionable demonstration or dissent at any Official’s or Coach’s decision.
  6. Will not refuse to abide by an official’s or coach’s decision.
  7. Will not disobey or attempt to circumvent rules and regulations or the intent thereof.
  8. Will not use tobacco, alcohol or illegal narcotics or act in any way that is detrimental to themselves, their team or Upper Basketball Association or the South Shore Basketball League.
  9. Any and all emails that are addressed to coaches, players, players families, or anyone involved in the Upper Township Basketball Association and that pertains to any matter associated with their participation in the Upper Township Basketball Association shall and will be carbon copied to
  10. The use of social media platforms shall be utilized only for the promotion of ethics, safety and the spirit of youth basketball and the Upper Township Basketball Association. The use of all social media platforms to post any of the following; unauthorized personal information (names, address, phone number, email etc.) of others, material that contains vulgar, obscene or indecent language or images, material which defames, abuses or threatens others, statements that are factually inaccurate, false, bigoted, hateful or racially offensive, no flaming; there is a difference between voicing a legitimate concern or grievance and simply badmouthing or some other form of written abuse of someone or group, will be construed as a blatant violation of this code of conduct.

D. Parents, Spectators, Volunteers and Others

  1. Will show proper respect to all.
  2. Will not at any time push, shove, punch, kick, fight or be guilty of physical contact as an Aggressor upon any official, board member, coach, player, or spectator.
  3. Will not verbally abuse or threaten any official, board member, coach, player, spectator or other(s).
  4. Will not harass or bait any official, board member, coach, player, spectator or other(s).
  5. Will not directly contact or interfere with coaches or players during a game or practice.
  6. Will not be in the coaching area, player’s area, or on the game court/area prior to, during, or at the conclusion of a game, unless a Board Member or Head Coach has given permission to do so.
  7. Will not use tobacco, alcohol or illegal narcotics in front of players during practices, games or team sponsored events or be present during practices, games, team-sponsored events under the influence of alcohol or illegal narcotics.
  8. Will not act in any way that is detrimental to themselves, their team, their community or Upper Township Basketball Association or the South Shore Basketball League. Any and all emails that are addressed to coaches, players, players families, or anyone involved in the Upper Township Basketball Association and that pertains to any matter associated with their participation in the Upper Township Basketball Association shall and will be carbon copied to
  9. Will Adhere to a 24 Hour Cooling OFF Period. If a parent has an issue, they must first address it with the Head Coach involved away from a game or practice setting. A 24-hour cooling off period is requested in order to avoid any conflict that may occur in front of the kids and parents. If needed, after addressing the issue with the Head Coach, the parent(s) can request a joint conference with the Board and the Head Coach to come to an equitable solution.
  10. The use of social media platforms shall be utilized only for the promotion of ethics, safety and the spirit of youth basketball and the Upper Township Basketball Association. The use of all social media platforms to post any of the following; unauthorized personal information (names, address, phone number, email etc.) of others, material that contains vulgar, obscene or indecent language or images, material which defames, abuses or threatens others, statements that are factually inaccurate, false, bigoted, hateful or racially offensive, no flaming; there is a difference between voicing a legitimate concern or any other form of written abuse of someone or group, will be construed as a blatant violation of this code of conduct.

Disciplinary Action

The Board of Directors of Upper Township Basketball Association shall have the power to impose any disciplinary action(s) it deems necessary and appropriate for those who fail to abide by the Upper Township Basketball Association By-laws and Code of Conduct. Disciplinary action can range from a written reprimand to being barred from participation or association with Upper Township Basketball Association or South Shore Basketball League and its members.

The following and any other acts so deemed by the Board of Directors will constitute grounds for disciplinary action:

1. Striking or abusing physically and/or verbally any board member, official, coach, player, spectator, or other(s).

2. Acting in an unsportsmanlike manner.

3. Violating the Upper Township Basketball Association or the South Shore Basketball League By-laws.

4. Violating the Upper Township Basketball Association Code of Conduct.

5. Ejection (removal) from a game.

6. Using tobacco, alcohol or illegal narcotics at a league game.

7. Acting in a way that is detrimental to themselves, their team, and/or Upper Township Basketball

Association or the South Shore Basketball League .

8. Any actions on or off the field that result in a legal conviction of a criminal act as determined by a court of law or other actions that are judged by the Board of Directors to be of such a serious nature that they seriously and negatively impact the Upper Township Basketball Association or the South Shore Basketball League , the image in the community and present the potential for liability to the Board Members and/or the Upper Township Basketball Association or the South Shore Basketball League. Anyone who does not abide by the above Upper Township Basketball Association Code of Conduct and the Upper Township Basketball Association or the South Shore Basketball League By-laws governing basketball can and will be asked to leave the game or event, and may be barred from attending any other Upper Township Basketball Association or the South Shore Basketball League sponsored game or event. Any Board Member of Upper Township Basketball Association or Head Coach of an Upper Township Basketball team has the power to ask and if necessary, remove anyone whom they deem to be in violation of by the Upper Township Basketball Association By-laws or Code of Conduct. Upon taking such action, said person must notify the Board of Upper Township Basketball Association.

Ejection and Suspension

1. Game Ejections:

A. Any coach, player, parent, spectator, or anyone else – whether associated or not

associated with Upper Township Basketball Association– who is ejected (removed) from a game

or practice is automatically suspended from attending and/or participating in the next scheduled

game and a week's worth of practices. This rule is not subject to protest or review. (Removal from a

game or practice shall be interpreted to include the playing/practice court and the spectator


B. A second offense by the same person during the same season and/or during the following

season will result in immediate suspension for the remainder of the then current year.

C. A third offense by the same person will result in immediate lifetime suspension from

participating or attending any Upper Township Basketball Association games and/or any activity

sponsored by the Upper Township Basketball Association.


1. While on suspension, the coach, player, parent or other(s) may not attend any practices or games in which any Upper Township Basketball Association team participates.

2. Those who receive suspensions must take the initiative to contact the Board to apply for


3. The Board of Directors shall reserve the right to impose any penalties or disciplinary actions it deems necessary and appropriate for violations of Upper Township Basketball Association or the South Shore Basketball League By-laws and/or Code of Conduct. Fact Finding Hearing Prior to any decision by the Board of Directors for disciplinary action for board members, coaches, players, parents or spectators or other(s), a Fact Finding Hearing before a minimum of two thirds of the Board will be held behind closed doors by the Board of Directors, with notice given to all involved, via (1) telephone (2) email, and/or U.S. Mail. Said hearing should take place within a reasonable amount of time of the alleged incident unless two thirds of the board members cannot be present. The board must then schedule the next available date (best efforts) that two thirds of the board will be present.

Hearing Process

1. The President (or Vice President if President is not available) – shall run the hearing.

2. The President (or Vice President if President is not present) shall read the charges brought against

the accused.

3. The Board may then hear from both sides and/or witnesses in an orderly manner.

4. The Board shall then determine whether sufficient facts and/or evidence have been presented to

warrant the holding of the hearing on some or all of such charges with the person(s) violating the Code

of Conduct.

5. The Board shall then judge whether or not the preponderance of the evidence presented in a hearing shows the accused to have committed the acts alleged.

6. The Board (by majority vote) shall then impose any disciplinary action(s) it deems necessary and

appropriate, and/or as specified in the By-laws and Code of Conduct, if the accused is judged to have

committed such act or acts as brought before the board.

If the accused does not appear at the hearing, the Upper Township Basketball Association will render their decision and the accused person(s) will be notified of the disciplinary action to be taken via telephone with a follow-up written notice via email or certified U.S. Mail.

Complaints, Allegations, Grievances

Improper conduct should be reported to a Board Member of the Upper Township Basketball Association or the Head Coach within 24 hours of incident. Those who are found guilty of improper conduct will be subject to disciplinary action by the Upper Township Basketball Association Board of Directors (see above).

Complaints, allegations, or grievances should be brought to the immediate attention of a Board Member of the Upper Township Basketball Association who shall then do the following:

a. Make note of complaint, allegation or grievance and date and time of incident and date and time

of complaint, allegation or grievance.

b. Notify, within 24 hours of date/time of complaint, allegation or grievance, a Board Member of

Upper Township Basketball Association that a complaint, allegation or grievance has been made.

NOTE: If the Upper Township Basketball Association Board finds that the Head Coach did not act upon the complaint, allegation or grievance in a timely manner, then the Board of Directors, at its discretion, may impose disciplinary action(s) it deems appropriate.

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