Code of Conduct

Upper Township Basketball Association (UTBA)

Code of Conduct


The Upper Township Basketball Association (UTBA) is committed to fostering a positive, ethical, and safe environment for youth basketball. This Code of Conduct applies to all participants, including Board Members, Coaches, Players, Parents, Volunteers, and Spectators. Violations of this Code will result in disciplinary action.

A. Unsportsmanlike Conduct

The following behaviors constitute unsportsmanlike conduct and are strictly prohibited:

  • Fighting, verbal abuse, bullying, or dissent toward an official or opponent.
  • Racial or ethnic slurs, inappropriate comments, or actions that may be construed as sexual harassment.
  • Profanity, obscene gestures, taunting, “trash talk,” or baiting.
  • Cheating, throwing or abusing equipment, physical intimidation, or abuse of an official or opponent.
  • Unauthorized departure from the team bench area.

B. Expectations for Board Members & Coaches

Board Members and Coaches are expected to uphold the highest standards of integrity, professionalism, and sportsmanship, both on and off the court. They must:

  • Show respect to all participants, including players, officials, and spectators.
  • Avoid physical aggression, including pushing, shoving, or any form of violence.
  • Refrain from verbal abuse, harassment, or threats toward any individual.
  • Avoid the use of illegal substances in the presence of players or during UTBA events.
  • Adhere to UTBA and South Shore Basketball League rules and regulations.
  • Report rule violations by other participants to the Board of Directors.
  • Ensure all email communications related to UTBA are carbon copied to
  • Use social media responsibly, avoiding defamatory, obscene, or inappropriate content.

C. Expectations for Players

Players are expected to demonstrate sportsmanship, teamwork, and respect at all times. They must:

  • Show proper respect to coaches, officials, teammates, and opponents.
  • Remain in designated team areas unless excused by a coach, parent, or guardian.
  • Avoid physical aggression, including pushing, shoving, or fighting.
  • Refrain from verbal abuse, harassment, or dissent towards officials or coaches.
  • Follow all UTBA and South Shore Basketball League rules.
  • Abstain from tobacco, alcohol, or illegal substances.
  • Ensure all email communications related to UTBA are carbon copied to
  • Use social media responsibly, avoiding defamatory, obscene, or inappropriate content.

D. Expectations for Parents, Spectators, and Volunteers

All non-player participants must demonstrate respect and proper conduct. They must:

  • Show respect to all participants, including officials, coaches, and players.
  • Avoid physical aggression, verbal abuse, harassment, or threats.
  • Refrain from interfering with games or practices.
  • Stay out of coaching and player areas unless authorized.
  • Avoid the use of tobacco, alcohol, or illegal substances in the presence of players or during UTBA events.
  • Adhere to a 24-hour cooling-off period before addressing concerns with a coach or the Board.
  • Ensure all email communications related to UTBA are carbon copied to
  • Use social media responsibly, avoiding defamatory, obscene, or inappropriate content.

E. Disciplinary Action

The UTBA Board of Directors reserves the right to impose disciplinary actions for violations of the Code of Conduct. Consequences may include:

  1. Written reprimand.
  2. Suspension from UTBA activities.
  3. Permanent removal from the UTBA and South Shore Basketball League.

Grounds for disciplinary action include:

  • Physical or verbal abuse.
  • Unsportsmanlike behavior.
  • Violation of UTBA or South Shore Basketball League rules.
  • Ejection from a game.
  • Use of tobacco, alcohol, or illegal substances at UTBA practices/games.
  • Legal conviction of a criminal act that negatively impacts UTBA’s reputation.

Any individual found in violation of this Code may be asked to leave UTBA events and may be barred from future participation.

F. Ejection and Suspension Policy

  1. Game Ejections:
  • Any individual ejected from a game or practice is automatically suspended from attending the next scheduled game and one week of practices.
  • A second offense results in suspension for the remainder of the season.
  • A third offense results in a lifetime ban from UTBA activities.
  1. Suspension Guidelines:
  • Suspended individuals may not attend practices or games.
  • Reinstatement requires contacting the Board for approval.
  • The Board reserves the right to impose additional disciplinary actions as deemed necessary.

G. Fact-Finding Hearing Process

Prior to imposing disciplinary actions, the Board of Directors will conduct a Fact-Finding Hearing, which will:

  1. Be presided over by the President (or Vice President, if the President is unavailable).
  2. Present the charges against the accused.
  3. Allow both sides to present evidence and testimony.
  4. Determine if the accusations are supported by sufficient evidence.
  5. Impose disciplinary action by majority vote.

Failure to appear at a hearing does not prevent the Board from making a decision. The accused will be notified of the Board’s decision via phone and written notice.

H. Complaints, Allegations, and Grievances

Improper conduct should be reported to a UTBA Board Member or Head Coach within 24 hours of the incident. Complaints should include:

  • Date, time, and details of the incident.
  • Names of involved parties.

The Board will investigate complaints and may impose appropriate disciplinary actions if warranted. Coaches who fail to act on reported complaints may also be subject to disciplinary measures.

By adhering to this Code of Conduct, all members of the Upper Township Basketball Association contribute to a safe, respectful, and enjoyable environment for youth basketball.

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